Inter-Minerals has moved!

Dear customers and partners,

We are pleased to announce that Inter-Minerals has reached a new milestone in its growth and development. After careful consideration and planning, we have relocated our business to a larger and new dedicated site on the Albert Canal in Geel that suits our growing needs and ambitions.

This move marks an exciting new chapter in our journey, and we are confident it will help us market our products even better and strengthen our relationships with customers and partners. Not only does our new location offer more space for expansion, but there is also investment in modern facilities and improved infrastructure that are going to enable us to work more efficiently and effectively.

We understand that change can sometimes be challenging, but we are fully committed to making this transition as smooth as possible. Our team worked closely together to ensure that all aspects of the move were carefully planned and executed, with minimal disruption to our operations and service to you, our valued customers.

We will soon provide you with more detailed information on the progress of all developments.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and cooperation. We look forward to welcoming you to our new location and continuing to build together on a succesful future.

Kind regards,

Kris Frans

Managing Director
